

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I'm Back

Hello there. Almost a year, huh? 

Last time I stopped because I needed to generate data for a paper, which is now at the last step to be accepted. It is about Rigid Registration with Lie Groups. When it is released, I'll post here.

Since then, I started to research about Deep Learning for this topic. But I found out it is very complicated when you don't know much of the theory. 

For instance, I made a Toy Model with a Multilayer Perceptron to compute the triangle area. However, I couldn't make it have a good accuracy. 

So the task was assigned to another student who knows better about neural networks, and he concluded that triangles with very small area are being interpreted as outliers by the network, and making the training harder. Also, there is an error accumulation due to numerical instability, so the training needed 64 bit float and the error measurement, a 32 bit float.

Right now, I changed my research to fluid simulation with Deep Learning, far more interesting to me. I just made this code work, and very soon I'll post the step by step to make it work for you too.

See ya.

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