Adding furigana on blogger

To do my translations, I use the online Furiganizer to write down the furigana. Then I copy the text to a generic text editor, which gives me each word on each line. This online tool does not give the correct placements of the furigana, and sometimes returns this:

Wrong furigana: おま
Kanji: お待ち (supposed to be only the kanji)
Nor kanji or furigana: しています

So, I need to manually check if the line contains only the kanji, like this:

Correct furigana:
Nor kanji or furigana: しています

After, that, I use the regex (regular expression) package for Python 3 to identify the kanjis and the hiraganas representing the furiganas, to write a file like this:


Finally, I read this new markers to substitute it by the HTML code that will write the furigana for blogspot.


The code is available here.

In the future, I can make a better furiganizer.

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