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Here we will install Miniconda to create a virtual environment to setup the deep learning libs. You can use Docker, but I find Miniconda easier.

I installed the latest version via shell script. Check out here if there is a new Miniconda available, like, Miniconda 4.

In WSL-Ubuntu terminal, type:

  • wget -O ~/
  • echo $HOME     (just to check the path)
    • /home/liliane
  • bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
  • miniconda/bin/conda init
Restart the terminal to change it.
  • conda update -n base -c defaults conda

Now, these steps are for the Deep Fluid net.
  • conda create -n DeepFluid python=3.7
  • conda activate DeepFluid

If you want to go back to the base environment, type conda deactivate.
If you don't want the DeepFluid environment anymore, type conda env remove -n DeepFluid

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