Python's IDEs and Code Editors

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Code Editors

Code editors are simple text editors with some tools to help write the code, but with no support for executing it. Thus, it must be done via terminal. The one I'll use is Visual Code, which can be downloaded from the official site.

A code editor are for those who:
  • Have good experience with a language;
  • Look for a light platform to work;
  • Are challenging themselves to memorize the syntax by fully typing it.
The latter one is a good exercise for employment interviews, where they may show you some code lines and ask you how the program will run.

As a footnote, I recommend beginners to use an IDE for a faster learning. However, if you are willing to use the code editor anyway, be sure to use a static analyzer, like Mypy.


An Integrated Development Environment has more tools, such as a static analyzer that can be very helpful for auto completion of words and for checking misspelled names of variables or functions. The one I chose was Spyder, and again, you can install it via terminal/Synaptic on Ubuntu 20.04, or the Windows' installer for individual edition here. On Windows, is recommended to install Spyder with Anaconda, but in Ubuntu, you can install it directly via Synaptic.

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