Deep Lagrangian Fluids

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Finnaly, the prize.

Let's use GIT once again:

  • git clone
Install other dependencies, as the manual says:
  • pip3 install --upgrade git+
  • pip3 install zstandard plyfile msgpack msgpack-numpy

Go to dataset/, and set the path of the simulator:

  • SIMULATOR_BIN = "/home/liliane/miniconda/envs/DeepFluid/GIT/SPlisHSPlasH/bin/DynamicBoundarySimulator"

Show time! Go to DeepLagrangianFluids/scripts:

  • python3 --num_steps 1 --weights --scene example_scene.json --output example_out --write-ply

Note: the number of steps was set to 1 just to quickly see if it works.

Recreating part of the data for the cover video:

  • cd DeepLagrangianFluids/scenes
  • python3 ../scripts/ --weights ../scripts/ --scene canyon_scene.json  --output canyon_out --num_steps 1500 ../scripts/

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