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We are almost there. 

Even though Partio was compiled as a external lib for SPlisHSPlasH, it doesn't have the Python version of it. We need to compile it from the source.

Again, clone the repository:

  • git clone
  • cd partio
  • sudo apt-get install swig
    • Version 4.0 is expected. This is for Python binding. Install via sudo so CMake can see it

Write on main CMakeLists to install the lib in the conda environment:
  • In the begining of the file: 
    • set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/home/liliane/miniconda/envs/DeepFluid" CACHE PATH "" FORCE )
  • In the end of the file:
    • message(STATUS "Instalation dir: " ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX})

Note: remember to change the user name as yours, and cofigure it with CMake two times. The installation directory may not be changed in the first time.

Now, compile it:

  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make install
  • python3 -c "import partio; print('Worked')"
    • Must print "Worked" with no errors

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