Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Basic Materials

This is a list of materials I use for studying programming. The first ones are the book for modern C++ by Scott Meyers (Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14), and the book for Python by Mark Lutz (Learning Python). You can find them online but I find it better to have them on my hands. The C++ book is available in portuguese, but the Python one, only in english for the most updated edition (and over a 1500 pages... Ok, better have it as ebook).

When I'm tired of reading, there are these two YouTube channels I follow:
The Cherno has a playlist for C++ and Game Engine creation. I'll basically follow his instructions and adapt it to my goal of building a visualization tool before the game engine. And Bisqwit has videos about programming many sort of things, yet related to my interests in maintaining this blog, which are rendering and C++. Some other subjects as compilers, games cracking, and emulators are curious to me. For now I'm not going to dive into these ones, or I'll loose focus.

Any other relevant channel, book, or paper I find will be credited as well.

See you soon!

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Global Game Jam 2024

Wow, what a weekend. The Global Game Jam is intense. But I and 3 other members manage to build a game for the theme "Make me laugh...